Saturday, February 16, 2008


To know about........... BRICK WALL AND FRAME STRUCTURE.

Fired clay bricks remain one of the most enduring building materials known to the world wide building industry. Some might argue that it is also one of the most beautiful and that it adds character to any building with its colour, strength and texture. Clay brick dates as far back as the Egyptian age and connects us with the history of our ancestors. Being such a versatile building material and because of its very good climatic characteristics, it remains the material of choice for residential buildings in South Africa. Bricks have an excellent fire rating, it is weatherproof and has really good acoustic properties and is almost soundproof, and best of all it amount to only about 10 per cent of the total cost of a typical residential building. Homebuyers will almost always prefer to buy a house constructed out of clay brick as it does not deteriorate over time and has a higher resale value. Bricks vary quite significantly in because of the diverse manufacturing processes and types of clay used in their manufacture in various regions. Often potential home builders make the mistake in thinking that all bricks are the same and there is no need to shop around for different finishes and colours. This can be costly as the quality of different brick manufacturers vary considerably as will also be reflected in the price. A very cheap brick might be of un-even size or may warp making building with them a lot more difficult.


The most common materials used for residential construction are wood and concrete. Most homes have a combination of both. In this section, we will look at some of the details of wood frame construction. Concrete will be dealt with in the following section. Although there has a tendency in the Caribbean to favor concrete over wood for homes since the recent spate of major hurricanes, a properly designed and constructed wood frame house can withstand major hurricanes and earthquakes. Construction costs and insurance considerations certainly play a role in these decisions. source image:

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